The first months payment must be made before attending classes.
A student's space in a class is not reserved until the first tuition payment is received.
利率 & 价格可在 在这里.
To participate in seasonal performances (recitals), you must sign up for the 绩效计划 并支付必要的费用. 这些表演中的某些角色可能需要试镜, 然而, 任何会员都可以参加演出. 有关每场演出的详细信息和报名情况将每月通过电子邮件公布. 请注意每一场演出的报名截止日期.
可随时退课. 要正式退课,请使用 下降形式 必须在每月25日之前填写并提交,以避免收取下个月的费用. 费用将持续到退学通知提交为止.
迟交25美元的学费.00 is applied for all tuition received after the 7th of the month.
Square invoices are sent via email on the 25th of the previous month, 每个月的第一天, the 5th of each month and the 7th of each month as automated 提醒 for tuition due.
We accept the following payment methods: Cash, Check, Credit, Debit or Money Order.
支票应收款人为: 奇才表演bbin信誉网站 or PPAC. 所有退回的支票都要收35美元.00退票费.
T在这里 is a 3% additional charge for ALL credit card transactions.
You must be current on all tuition to receive costumes for the Spring Concert, 并参与课堂活动, 彩排及春季音乐会演出.
An automatic tuition payment option is available to sign up for at any time. 您可以通过在您的Square发票上选择“信用卡存档”选项来在线注册自动付款.
Once registered, the total tuition amount must be paid as scheduled.
不能退款 for any fees including performance fees after students enroll in classes. Credits are situational and only available to the discretion of the Director.
如果工作室因报名人数少而必须取消课程,并且学生无法选择另一门课程,则可以退款. 详情请参阅班级报名.
兄弟姐妹的折扣 对所有学生开放吗. We discount 10% off each additional siblings total tuition per month. 此优惠仅对居住在同一家庭的18岁及以下的兄弟姐妹有效.
军事的折扣 持有有效的军人身份证件,每月学费可以打九折吗.
推荐折扣 allows you to apply 5% discount on your monthly fees per friend you refer to our studio!
折扣限制: 家庭(军人/兄弟姐妹)折扣不能合并. Referral discounts can only be added to a maximum of 15% per student. Referral discounts do not apply until referred client has fully participated and current on 2 months payments; once the discount is applied it is valid only through the enrollment duration of your referee. 转介不适用于直系亲属.
所有促销优惠只适用于第一次客户. 我们将不接受现有学生的代金券或同一学生的重复晋升.
You may redeem only ONE type of promotional deal if we run multiple deals.
学生没有资格参加任何工作室的表演. 如果你想参加演出, 您必须完全注册为会员,并支付必要的费用,作为一个全日制学生开始在您的促销活动结束.
Class sizes are limited; priority is given to FULL TIME members for limited spaces in classes.
The make-up class policy does NOT apply to promotional students.
所有的舞者都必须遵守班级的着装规定. 请务必仔细阅读 着装规范 在上课之前.
Any student improperly dressed for class will not be permitted to participate.
PPAC的 在线bbin平台网站大全 提供所有上课必需的服装.
街头鞋. 任何穿在外面的鞋子都是 严格禁止的 在舞池里. 嘻哈舞者必须穿著服装规定或类似规定的指定舞鞋.
根据工作室的大小,每个班级都有班级限制. 如果一个班级已经满了,你可以在候补名单上报名,以防有学生退学. 1月以后,等候名单将失效.
每班最少2名学生. If a class does not enroll more than 2 students within a 1 month period, 该课程可能会被取消或转移,并且该班级的现有学生将被添加到另一个班级.
您必须在注册后2个月内达到最低年龄和技能要求. 任何年龄不符合要求的学生只能在导师和主任的决定下选修更高级别的课程.
类 have strict age limitations and may not allow enrollment; in this case you must email us to request class placement outside of your age group. Note this request is conditional and may not be honored based on skill & 学生经历.
高级课程需要批准才能加入,因为学生在入学前必须能够执行特定的技能. 每季度的评估课程是免费的,以协助在需要时安排班级.
如因恶劣天气而缺课, 学生可以在下一周补课. 如果发生这种情况, 邮件通知将会发出,提醒每个人参加下周的补课.
Students may take ANY age appropriate class for a make up; it does not have to be the same dance style.
PPAC expects all dancers AND parents to demonstrate excellent behavior at all times.
Dancers must be respectful to instructors, assistants, parents, and fellow dancers. 粗鲁的行为,不恰当的语言,胡闹,欺凌和发脾气是不被容忍的. If any behavior issues arise, parents will be contacted immediately.
Parents must respect other parents, students, staff, and owners of the studio. 我们不会容忍骚扰, 欺凌, 恐吓, 威胁, 或者任何时候的不当行为. If any issues arise, they must be dealt with appropriately through the correct channels.
No dancer should be talking in class unless the instructor permits them to do so. 课堂上的任何中断都会极大地影响到每个人.
The Director has the right to suspend or dismiss any student or family from the studio. 这种行为很少见, 然而, may be dealt with for reasons including but not limited to: constant negative/disruptive behavior from a parent or dancer; accumulating too many absences or tardies; violent behavior/language; and delinquency on tuition. Dismissal and/or suspension does not release you from financial liability for fees due.
Parents must inform the studio management if they are running late to class. 如果学生迟到超过10分钟,教师有权拒绝学生进入课堂. 请准时.
If a student is not picked up more than 10 minutes following their last class, the studio reserves the right to charge a child care fee of $1 per additional minute.
街头鞋. 任何穿在外面的鞋子都是 严格禁止的 在舞池里. 嘻哈舞者必须穿著服装规定或类似规定的指定舞鞋.
手机、其他设备、玩具和任何其他来自家里的物品都不允许进入工作室. 对青少年来说, 在上课期间,手机必须调成静音,并放在舞蹈室外面的舞蹈包里.
All parents with children under 7 must come inside the facility to pick up your dancer. 为了他们的安全,7岁以下的学生在没有家长陪同的情况下不得离开大楼.
PPAC不负责任何丢失或被盗的物品. Anything left in the studio’s after class will be placed in the lost and found. 请记下所有的物品. 确保所有的舞鞋都在里面贴上学生名字的标签,因为舞鞋最容易丢失或在舞者之间混淆.
任何学生的财产损失超过100美元的维修费用将由家长负责. 在舞蹈教室里,请帮助我们加强对孩子的尊重和正确行为. 严禁奔跑和打闹.
Spring Concert preparations begin at the start of the season in September. Please be prepared to follow through on all due dates and keep track of events.
Costume fees are included in your first registration/tuition invoice for all students. Costume fees are $85 per costume, and due on or before the end of the first semester. 如果你在这个季节晚些时候注册课程, 请注意,报名时需支付全部服装费用.This does not include additional fees for accessories such as tights, 跳舞鞋, 内衣, 等. 对于组合类, the instructor will choose one of the dance styles they learn to perform for the show.
Tickets, business ads, and program well wishes go on sale in the Spring. 这些商品先到先得. Seating is limited for the Concert so it is important to plan to purchase tickets early.
Dress Rehearsals are extremely important for a successful show. 参加音乐会前的所有排练是强制性的.
会有无数的通知, 电子邮件, 时事通讯, 一般信息通过电子邮件发送出去. PPAC是绿色的, eco-friendly business and will use minimal paper for communications; Please make sure we have your correct email address so you are receiving all information.
如果你是Gmail用户, our 时事通讯 will show up in your Promotions tab as they come from Mailchimp. 请将它们标记为重要,以免错过! 其他电子邮件用户,如果您没有看到我们的通讯,请检查垃圾邮件文件夹或垃圾邮件.
别忘了在社交媒体上给我们点赞! 我们会发布取消课程的最新消息, 提醒, and upcoming events on our page often so make sure you are following us!
Please visit our other social media sites for news, photos, links, and other content.
Parents are responsible for keeping track of dates, events, and updates. 请参考我们的工作室日历.
We do not follow ALL of WJCC County or York County School closings. 请参考我们工作室的假期日历,并在社交媒体和我们的bbin平台网站大全通讯上关注关闭的消息.
Our 在线bbin平台网站大全 is a convenient one stop shop for all your needs. 你可以购买舞蹈服、紧身衣和上课用的鞋子. 项目将交付到工作室可提取. Studio Merch全年都有!
物品一旦订购不能退货. 交易所只.
新型冠状病毒肺炎 & 传染病安全预防措施
All students must have a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 waiver signed before participating in studio activities.
Our facility is now mask optional for faculty, patrons, and students.
The lobby area and dressing rooms have been reopened for full use as of July 1, 2021
请在上课前10分钟前到达. If you are running earlier, students must wait in their vehicles with parents.
The studio is continuously sanitized as recommended by the CDC and WHO on a daily basis. Please report any messes or missing supplies to the front desk.
Class maximums have been restored to normal numbers; 然而, hygiene and spacial awareness will be implemented in the classroom.
任何有感冒症状的人, 流感, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, or any other communicable diseases should not come to the studio until symptoms subside. 任何在学校出现这些症状的学生或老师都将被立即送回家
Absolutely no food or drink (other than water) is permitted in the studio.